2 min read

Finding Sanctuary: Vija Toubassi’s Metropolitan Club Story

Finding Sanctuary: Vija Toubassi’s Metropolitan Club Story

Vija Toubassi first heard about the Metropolitan Club after her friend hosted a bridal event here. After hearing her friend laud the Club and experience, her curiosity was piqued. It would eventually become her sanctuary in the heart of the city. 

The Club's ambiance and reputation made such an immediate impression that she reached out to the Membership Department right after exploring the website.

"I was blown away," Vija recalled. A subsequent Meet & Mingle event and dinner with Membership sponsors who shared her interests sealed the deal. "Sitting there, enjoying great conversation and absolutely delicious food, it was obvious to me this was a special place. I filled out the paperwork the next day," she added. 

Three years later, Vija's enthusiasm hasn't waned. "Stepping into the Club still takes my breath away—literally every single time," she shared.

The physical beauty of the space—from its spacious rooms and detailed ceilings to its thoughtfully appointed amenities—provides more than just aesthetic pleasure. For Vija, it offers essential sustenance. 

"I deeply value beauty around me; I need it like oxygen,” she noted. “It’s uplifting and calming for me. It satisfies my need for order and grounds me. When we all have challenges from motherhood or marriage, this is a respite from the chaos of the world."

An Invisible Bond

The Club’s physical beauty initially captivated Vija, but its inclusive community keeps her connected. This welcoming atmosphere helps build organic connections, whether over dinner, at the bar, or during events.

"My fellow Members are warm, accepting, and free of judgment," Vija explained. "It's like there's an invisible bond that bridges women across backgrounds." 

Vija was especially struck by the extraordinary level of commitment demonstrated by both staff and Members. 

"Behind the scenes, countless hours of effort, emotion, and thoughtfulness go into every detail," she noted. "Events aren't just planned; they're crafted to bring people together in meaningful ways. The dinner menus aren't simply meals—they're experiences, curated with care."

Anyone Can Thrive

It’s a common notion that social clubs are made for extroverts. Vija challenges that notion.

"All types of people thrive at the Metropolitan Club—not just the outgoing and sociable," she insisted. "The truth is that people of all personality types and ages share a common need: connection." 

The Club provides spaces for both solitary recharge—whether through quiet meals, solo workouts, or peaceful swimming—and vibrant social engagement.

Visiting the club 2-3 times weekly, Vija takes full advantage of its offerings, from the gym and pool to fitness classes, dining facilities, spa services, and educational programs. The impact of these visits extends beyond her personal well-being. 

"If I don't go to the Club, members of my family notice it,” she remarked. “Doing all these things makes me a better wife, mother, and friend."

Taking a Chance

To those considering Membership, Vija offers clear advice: Take a chance on yourself. 

“That’s what I did,” she exclaimed. “I wasn’t sure about the investment or the commute at first. But it was ultimately about giving myself permission. Sometimes we don’t know what we need. The benefits I get, being physical, more fit, inspiration, peacefulness. It's more valuable than an occasional vacation or a new car."

Through Vija's eyes, The Metropolitan Club serves as a sanctuary where beauty meets belonging, where personal growth intersects with community, and where every visit reaffirms the extraordinary value of Membership.

“Jump in, take a chance,” she affirmed. “You deserve this. It will provide benefits that you may not yet see.”

If you’d like to learn more about Membership at The Metropolitan Club, download our free guide.

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